I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Larry Helsley at 1600 hours. Members present: George Owen, Mike Williams, and Dee Potter. Member absent: Bill Britton. Others present: Chief Alvord, and Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of November 6, 2012 –
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
A. Nominations/Elections of Chairman – MSC: Williams/Potter to elect George Owen to serve as Chairman. No other nominations were made. Vote unanimous, nominations closed. George Owen is to serve as Chairman for the term of 2013.
B. Nominations/Elections of Vice-Chairman – MCS: Owen/Williams to elect Dee Potter to serve as Vice-Chairman. No other nominations were made. Vote unanimous, nominations closed. Dee Potter is to serve as Vice-Chairman for the term of 2013.
C. Set Date, Time, and Place of Regular Meetings for 2013 – There will be no change to the meeting date, time or place as the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Weaverville Fire Department.
A. Discuss/Approve Resolution 12-2 approving 50/50 grant with the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – Chief Alvord reported our grant has been accepted for Bendix King Radios our share will be $ 1,792.00. MSC: Owen/Williams to approve Resolution 12-2 with the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Roll Call Vote, Ayes: Helsley, Potter, Owen, and Williams. Absent: Britton.
B. Discuss/Approve Resolution 12-3 authorizing application for federal excess personal property in accordance with Cal Fire assistance act (CFAA) of 1978 – Chief Alvord reported on how the federal excess program works, this Resolution will be updated each year to be on the list to receive federal excess, and hopefully with this we will be able to replace Battalion 2103. MSC: Potter/Owen to approve Resolution 12-3. Roll Call Vote, Ayes: Helsley, Potter, Owen, and Williams. Absent: Britton.
C. Discuss/Approve Funding for the purchase of a Type 1 engine, Fiscal impact of up to $40,000 – Chief Alvord gave a presentation and showed pictures of the engine along with the equipment that it will come with. There were several different topics discussed regarding the engine. Bids close on Christmas day. MSC: Owen/Potter to approve Chief Alvord to bid up to $50,000 to purchase the engine.
D. Discuss/Approve Annual awards banquet – Chief Alvord reported that the banquet will possibly be on February 2nd 2013, the Department liked the fact that it is on a weekend, and they do not have to go to work the next day. There was discussion to have the banquet on February 9th to avoid schedule conflicts. This item is tabled for the next Regular Business Meeting.
E. Discuss/Approve Annual audit performed by Matson & Isom – There was discussion from page 4 and 17 about what is considered administration. This action item tabled for the next Regular Meeting for the board to have a chance to review the audit.
A. Hazard Reduction Progress Report – Crews have been burning on Taylor Street and stopped when the rain started. New Title III applications will be accepted by January 2, 2013. Chief Alvord will meet with Alex Cousins from T.C.R.C.D. to work out the plan.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported the State was here inspecting our tanks; the tall air horn tank at the back of the building was red tagged. Also, a valve needs to be replaced on the propane tank. The front door of Station One has been painted, roof leaks have been sealed, heating unit is leaking and the parts have been ordered to fix it. No roof leaks were found up at Station Two, a high school workability kid has cleaned up there. Secretary for the Department of Agriculture will be here next week for a town meeting; Chief Alvord has been invited to a round table discussion with him the following day. Chief Alvord attended an ISO class last Saturday; they are making changes that will not take affect until 2014. Top things they are looking for right now are hydrant maintenance, hose testing, and pump testing. CSD board approved the hydrant on Lower Mill Street; it has not been installed yet due to the weather. Johnsons Steak House is planning on a fireworks display for New Years eve, Chief Alvord will be reviewing the plans.
C. Sleep Program Reports – Sleeper Curran has been working and is on a Jury trial, he has been doing general maintenance around the station.
D. Committee Reports –
1. Recruitment Committee – None
2. Collections Committee – None
3. Contract Committee – None
4. Tuition Committee – None
5. Budget Committee - None
E. Director Reports – Chairman Helsley would like the board to think about purchasing a microwave for the kitchen.
VII. CORRESPONDENCE: Chief Alvord presented a flyer for a Chief position that will be similar to our Districts. This is informational to the board for future Chief recruitment.
VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1715 hours.
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George Owen, Chairman Marjie Watkins, District Clerk